Today I am joining Tootsie and Fertilizer Friday, where gardeners or flower lovers have a chance to show and tell about their efforts in the garden or just a flower pot of fun. Please stop by at and visit her wonderful site and take a look at what is happening all over blog land now that Spring is in the air!!
My pond, my babbling brooke.....ok it is NOT one of those but for me it is my water feature in my yard. It gives me that sense of peace that only running water can do. It was not the first water feature that I had, 3 ponds have come and 3 ponds have gone in my yard. 
Made from an 1800's old claw foot bathtub - it weighs a LOT! Once we got it set in the garden it was there to stay. We set it on brick stones to keep it from sinking into the ground and has held up well over the years.
You can see it sits nexts to my old outhouse lovingly named my 'Potty Shed". This is an older shot, as I now have trees grown up around it along with several bushes and perennials. The bees and birds love it, I ended up putting in some stones for the birds to sit on as they had a tendancy to get into the water and not get out. And after having lost I don't know how many fish to local kitty patrol this has been a life saver to the goldies. That is what I call my gold fish, they are now going on 10 years old, which I am told isn't normal for the life span of a gold fish. I guess they like where they live. In the winter we bring them inside and put them in an a fish tank where they happily await the summer months.
You can see the old copper shower head that makes the beautiful sound of running water in my back yard. I am not certain the age of the shower head but it came from a building that was built in the late 1800's and was at the time a 'state of the art' building.
Here is another view, as you can see the shower head is missing but only because it needed a good cleaning. It gets clogged up pretty fast with the moss and stuff that grows in a pond.
As I said I had 3 ponds in my back yard but they were torn out. Not because I didn't love them, I did. The first one developed a leak that just couldn't be fixed so then I tried a formed pond and I loved it but it was much to then I bought a bigger form and Yes, I liked it but there were two things that I didn't like. 1. Was the heaving that happened to the ground below it during the winter and 2. this.............
Snakes, snakes and more snakes.......they came to visit, brought friends made families and scared me half to death every time I reached down to feed my fish or pull a weed. And I just didn't like them around so much when my grannies came to play so bye, bye pond until another day my little tub will have to do.
I absolutley LOVE your tub and that shower head makes it "to die for"! So cute and clever. I hear ya on the ponds...on our 2nd. Thank heavens no snake have found it! Years before the ponds I had a walk in aviary that the snakes found...grrr. I was down to one bird before I knew what happened.
Wondered where all the mice had the snakes belly, then it used the mouse holes to get into the bye bye aviary. No snakes are welcome in my yard either!
Enjoy your weekend
Hi Debbie, I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your claw foot tub & shower idea!!,
how adorable! I also have(2) ponds(preformed),I think I would absolutely Freak if I saw a snake(s) in my ponds!!!Back to the tub;I wouldn't mind having one of those in my house.. hehehe.. , but what a cute idea! Smiles to you! Have a great weekend!
I could've lived without the snake picture...
Sorry Brandi - I knew that would get you!
I love your yard, Deb!
OMG! If snakes started coming to my pond I would tear it out for certain. Ugh!
I just adore your claw foot tub water feature. It is the cutest thing with the shower going. How cleaver. All those beautiful blooms around it. So pretty.
Happy FF.
How fabulous! The tub and sprinkler look just perfect!
I had a barrel pond on my deck for a few years. I started out with feeder fish and would bring them inside for the winter. By the 4th winter they were so huge that they couldn't go in the aquarium any more. Finally, I found someone with a big pond to take them.
Snakes - yikes!
Wow, what a great idea for a pond. I love it!!! I was in search of a claw foot tub to make an outdoor bathing area but now I need two. One for a pond and I one for bathing. I also love the setting of the tub, great outhouse setting. You can come help me in my yard any day. June
That is the cutest water feature I've ever seen! I just love it. I love your potty shed too :) We are hoping to add a potting shed to our yard this year.
I love your tub! What a clever idea!
We lived in a house with a pool and it was a magnet for snakes, frogs, and rodents. I can completely understand pulling the ponds out!
Debbie, Thanks for coming by. I love you bathtub pond. That is just the cutest and what a great use of a old tub. Have a great weekend. Patricia
Wonderful post! I love what you've done, so creative Debbie.
you should consider yourself lucky that I don't live close enough to steal that tub!!! I LOVE IT!!! Oh what a bit of whimsy it adds!!! I am jealous...but it is at least at someone's house that I like! hahaha!
the snake thing so would have made me throw in the towel with the ponds!!! I am so glad we don't have any here!!!
have a great weekend...
thanks so much for linking in to me again this week
I would also like to thank you for being one of the only ones that actually posts my FF logo and links back to my blog!!! I appreciate it!
That tub looks so inviting I'd have a hard time not jumping in it on a hot day!
You have such a lovely yard/garden-I could get lost in it-Just beautiful!
Hi Debbie, I just came by to get to know you.
I've been reading a few of your posts and must say you sure have beautiful grandkids. I also have 4 kids and 7 grandkids!
I love your backyard. I also have a garden bike, but mine is blue. The tub is a good way to have a water feature that is pretty much snake proof. Btw, what kind of snake is that?
Talk to you soon ;)
Bunny Jean
I love your yard, how beautiful!
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