
I posted these photos a couple of days ago but thought I would join Tootsie for Flaunt Your Flowers Fertilizer Friday & Cindy for Show and Tell Friday - not that my yard is so beautiful but my guests sure are.
Now don't be disappointed.........it isn't a tablescape with dishes, plates, and oh lala stuff. What it IS - a tablescape that a butterfly would use. I just can't get enough of watching all the butterflies enjoy the purple cone flower in the garden. Silly stuff is really taking over but who cares as along as the butterflies have a table to sit down to and suck that sweet nectar.
This is the table that the butterflies are so enjoying in my yard. No fancy table cloths, or silverware. Just the sweet, sweet flowers blooming in the bed.
I am just so amazed at the markings on this butterfly and the little white dots on the head and body. There must be a dozen or more at one time darting around in the flower bed.
And this old guy, I bet he was a beaut when he was younger - that would be before he lost part of his wing. However it didn't seem to bother him, he kept up with the best of them.
Each butterfly is just a little different.
This little guy was so much smaller and more delicate - there were a lot of these little ones flipping around too.
I wish I knew more about them, what they are called but I don't. This little guy has what looks like two eyes on his wings. I am guessing for protection.
And yet another one that is just a wee bit different than the old guys who was missing a chunk from his wing. So if anyone knows anything about butterflies I would love to hear what kind I have flitting around my garden.
If you love flowers, gardening and beautiful yards please stop by Tootsie's and see her amazing yard. While there be sure to click on the links to all of her participating gardeners and be prepared for an amazing journey. Cindy at My Romantic Home has so MUCH to offer with her amazing home and all of her participants that it takes me a week to get through all of the blogs to visit.
love the butterfly table setting.. Indeed they are creatures of beauty
Hey, Deb!! Long time no comment...! Thanks for always reading my blog. You're one of the first to post a comment, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you!
Things have been really chaotic here, but we're slowly getting settled back into the school routine, so hopefully you will see more blog posts and comments from me again...!
Hope all is well at your house -- we're thinking of hitting the Ft Rob campground this weekend. Mom and Dad and our 5. Should be a good time!!
Hugs to all the Kennedy crowd!
Simply stunning!!!
My link for you... WIZARD OF OZ
Do come by to say hello if you have time!
I love the first photo of your garden...You have Monarch's on the purple coneflower, swallowtails and I think the little one may be a painted lady..??
Darla is correct in identifying your butterflies. You have some really beautiful pictures, Deb. Your garden is beautiful! I just love echninacea - one of my very favorite flowers. Great how you captured the butterflies too - so pretty!
God bless, Beth
It is wonderful that you set the table for the butterflies. I think your black,white and blue is a swallowtail but can't pinpoint which and your orange one with the checkers is a possible west coast lady. Very pretty.
Gorgeous! Just gorgeous shots of the coneflowers and the butterflies. Wow! Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful pictures!
I love how closely you observe them! Blessings- you remind me to look closely too~
Cool pics, Ma! ANd I love the falling leaves!
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