Today I am joining in the
Fourteen Days of Love Day 8 - Must Love Pets, as anyone who knows me I am a pet lover.......I mean I am CRAZY for animals! However having lost two of our pups this year Pokey Dots our beloved Dalmatian who died at age 16 and Poncho a grannie dog who passed away from cancer at age 10, we are just down to a cat, horse and a view grannies. However we love, love, love what we have.
This is Cali Cat better know as Sal or Sally Alley Cat or what ever little love name we give her. She wandered into our home some 10 years ago a yowlling, bowlegged, half starved kitten. We took her in, fed her and made a visit to the vet. He told us that she was starving and therefore the bowlegs and bloated belly. She quickly became part of the family and has given us her undevoted love every since.
She is a tortoise shell colored calico cat and we think very pretty.
She loves Christmas and always has a present under the tree.
She rang in the New Year with us.
She loves our grannies and pesters them until they get frustrated with her and push her away. She sleeps in the armpit of my husband as she is very dedicated to him. One of her weird little quirks is that she has to be facing your face, so no matter how many times you roll over in bed - she moves with.
This is one of our grannie dogs - BoDegga. He lives with us and protects our shop. His mom and dad aren't able to keep a dog where they live after moving to a different town. Boddie now keeps my hubby company after the loss of his precious Pokey. Boddie helped to celebrate Emma's birthday.
This is my horse Nugget. She is a spritley 18 years old but still has the get up and go of a youngster. She is a sweet ole gal that the grannies can ride on and she talks to us with her little nickers.
This sad little guy is our grannie Schultz. He doesn't live with us but he loves to come visit. As soon as we head to bed he makes a beeline to sleep with us, right smack dab in the middle. This is kind of funny because during the daylight hours he doesn't care to much for Jeff but at night, they are best buds. Schutlz was a little depressed at Christmas, his home was invaded by a 9 lb. bouncing baby boy named Lucus and he wasn't sure if he was ready to share the limelight. Isn't the photo below funny looking?
Guess what was waiting for the grannies at Easter? Yepper a couple of bunnies, this little guy was the tamest at first now they are all fat little loving creatures.
My last little grannie dog I don't have a photo of, I would have taken it but he just was injured chasing a cat into the highway, where he was hit by a car. Luckily he has lived to tell the tale but he is now missing front teeth and is pretty banged up. Little Poco came to live with my son a few years ago, he is just a little peanut of a dog and full of energy. I will for sure be taking a photo of him soon, just didn't realize I didn't have one.
This is our little grannie TalllaDegga, he doesn't live with us either but we got him as a Christmas gift for our grandson two years ago. Tallie is the nicest male cat I have ever been around. He loves his owner and never tires of playing trucks, action heros or being pulled around in a wagon.
This little kitten isn't mine, but she loves to visit me in the garden and I had fun taking photos of her with the pumpkins. I have about 50 pictures of him and everyone of them just adorable.
I couldn't put this post to rest without including our two pups that passed this past year.
May they rest in peace.
Pokey Dots Kennedy
Poncho Kennedy